
STAY Token Burn Tracker

At NFsTay.com Property Management, we believe in transparency and accountability. We are committed to providing our users with visibility into the circulation supply of STAY tokens and ensuring that the ecosystem remains sustainable and healthy. Below, we outline the sources of all STAY tokens burned forever out of circulation supply:

  1. NFT Marketplace Fees:

    • 100% of all fees generated from transactions on our Marketplace are allocated towards token burns. Every time users engage in buying or selling activities on our Marketplace, results in burning STAY tokens, effectively reducing the total supply.

  2. Badges Fees:

    • Similarly, 100% of all fees generated from the issuance of badges at the Printer are designated for token burns. Badges represent achievements and milestones within our ecosystem, and the fees associated with them contribute directly to reducing the circulating supply of STAY tokens.

  3. Treasury Buybacks:

    • Additionally, our Treasury conducts regular buybacks of STAY tokens from the market. These buybacks are funded by the reserve pool held by the Treasury. The purchased tokens are subsequently burned, permanently removing them from circulation and increasing the scarcity of STAY tokens.

By burning STAY tokens sourced from these three primary sources, we ensure a continuous reduction in the circulating supply, leading to potential appreciation in token value over time. Users can track the progress of token burns and monitor the decreasing supply through our transparent and accessible burn tracker tool.

Last updated