
Provide Liquidity in our Liquidity Pool (LP) to earn STAY tokens


NFsTay Pool available:



In order to provide Liquidity, we first have to purchase either STAY or USDC, depending on which you want to provide liquidity with.

Providing liquidity is possible on NFsTay dApp using the ZAP IN button or on To provide Liquidity on Pancakeswap, head over to the Liquidity section under the "Trade" tab. Connect your wallet (Make sure your Metamask is on the Binance Smart Chain Network). Now you have to choose a valid pair. Token A will be USDC and token B will be STAY. If STAY do not show up, please copy/paste the address shown below manually.

STAY: 0x7F14ce2A5df31Ad0D2BF658d3840b1F7559d3EE0

Click on "add liquidity" and accept the transaction in your wallet.

Now that you have provided LP, you can head over to NFsTay Wallet and deposit your LP's.

Last updated